

Photography language has its on system. More importantly, it is an observation and ethics.


One can never get out of the influence of childhood. My ay of photography as originally to find the environment and people in my childhood memory.


I really need sunshine, fresh air and vegetables, nutritious recipes, I really need photography, oil painting. All this ill heal my pain.


We atch movies together, travel together, even if e can't photograph, but also insist on replacing your eyes ith cameras to leave you the best memories.


It's better to shoot an idea than to shoot an object. It's better to shoot a dream than to shoot an idea.


Young people should be self-illed, go out to enjoy themselves, love is like driving across the border. Good sightseeing, hand photography, holding strange background.


Photography is an action of alking into time, tearing something out of it, and then fixing it in another lasting form.


I think photography is important to express the feelings of kindness and love, cherish and seize the moment hen their love shines.


Life itself is not reality. We are those ho inject life into stones and pebbles.


When acting as a photographer, I had very fe photographic bags, and the staff ere afraid to put them in, for fear that I might fall.


Photography is a ay to learn ho to observe things. It is a strong personal visual experience.


The experience of life is mostly the joy of fragments in exchange for life-long uneasiness; photography, hoever, is a moment of unhappiness brings life-long happiness.


Photography is the exorcism of our time. The primitive society has its mask, the petty bourgeoisie society has its mirror, and e have our pictures.


The key to suess in photography is the same as the key to unlock. If you can't aurately match the number, then you can't open the door to suess.


When you begin to learn ho to turn speech into a capital to sell pictures, you ill surely find that suess is not as difficult as people think.


God must also be a photographer. On the first day of his creation, he said, "Let there be light."


I like to be out of the orld hen I am photographing, to be free from traveling, to be addicted to fiction ithout self. In the final analysis, I just hate being bound by myself.


A photographer's change es from a positive self-motivation rather than aiting for others to help you.


I like photography. Everything beautiful ill be fixed in the picture. Never change, never fet, alays retain the original appearance.


In photography, seemingly unimportant elements can also be used as a plement to the sense of form, alloing the picture to add a sense of form.


I like photography because I find I need to express myself. But hat needs to be expressed is love ith you. Those pictures tell of your love and mine.


Photographers don't kno that they are scenery, and psychologists don't kno that they are mad.


Once I anted to be a andering bard. Just no I anted to be a andering photographer.


Photographers ith cameras traveled around every corner of every city in China.


Photography is a kind of technology and art hich is born in fire and floats in light, and turning images into ords is tantamount to looking for hope.


A camera doesn't depend on hether it's expensive or not. We just look at hether the photographer ith the camera ill focus.


Photography is a tool for dealing ith things e all kno but don't see. My picture is to sho hat you can't see.


I like photography. I live to take pictures. I never ant to retire in photography.


Cameras often take pictures of geous appearance, but the naked eye sees the essence of life.


Landscape photography is a trek, a pursuit, a unique human impulse to migrate to the vision of beauty.


Photography liberates painting from the suffering of faithful expression, so that painting can pursue the highest goal: abstraction.


A good photography is not only the director's eyes, to help him find good things, but also the director's ings, to help him reach his dream.


Western memorials are no almost entirely visual. Photography is an irrepressible determinant of hat aspects of events e recall.


The camera of time catches the barrenness, leaving behind the brilliant mood, less shy, fot to act, nature and innocence, in a group photo.


I don't ant to have you anymore. I just ant to be ith you, like an onlooker, like a singer, like a photographer. It's like e're still together.


Some things aren't hat you see, just as a photographer's profession may not necessarily be photography, but also car service.


There are no rules that can not be broken in photography. If you think you should take pictures, you should take pictures.


The to most lost professions are dentist and photographer: dentist ants to be a doctor and photographer ants to be a painter.


Constantly reflecting on the shortings of pictures is to let oneself get better habits. But some people are alays afraid of this, so they eventually bee inferior photographers.


I think photography should be like riting, a record of hat one sees and feels in a moment, a record of one's groth, and never seek to be recognized by most people.