QQ非主流个性签名 幸福爱是无私的,理解,善良
- Love is unselfish, Understanding and kind, For it sees ith its heart and not ith its mind!
- Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, bt because it sees more it is illing to see less.
- What's love? check the dictionary... but most people ant to find out the hard ay.
- () $ love dont cost $ ()
- I love you more then ords can say... I love you more then yesterday, and less then tomorro
- (f)(f) Love is like an ice cream, enjoy it before it melts aay (f)(f)
- (L)(K) I Fell In Love With U Like Leaves Fall In Autumn! (K)(L)
- You've got the key 2 my heart, hy on't you open it?
- I didn't get hat I anted for Christmas... maybe on Valentine's Day... (L)(F)
- When love is true it can never fail
- True love turns inter into summer