
【这些 都是你给我的爱】

can't speak that moment ...

[ 你走的那天,阳光如此灿烂         躲在黑暗里的我    竟然相信了你那句    “祝你 幸福”]

the day you left , i hide in shado.there is full of beautiful sunshine outside, hich make me even believe yours '' ish you happy "

[ 对你的爱    是无休止的追逐      奇怪的是    即使知道总也追不上你    也觉得 很幸福呢 ]

the ay i like you , it is like playing carouse. i onder hy even i kno i ill never catch you , but still i feel lucky ...

[ 高106米    一圈15分    52个舱       你    在世界的顶端     抱住了我 ]

height 106m , time of one round 15min , number of gondola 52 . you cuddle me ithout notice , hen e e up to the of sky .

【这些 是你给我的爱】

[ 阳光充足的    三千高尺     我突然明白了    我不能坐在 悲伤的你    身旁 ]

i just can't sit by your side , to see your sorro under such beautiful sunshine.

[ 他说 如果我为你偷来全世界的云朵      你会爱我吗 ]

{he ill do anything he can to see her smile.}

[ 她说 不 ]

if i bring all the cloud of the orld for you .. ...ill you ...love me?


[ 我要去    有你的未来 ]

i am on my ay to future , here you are there.

[ 我把喜欢你的那些    小心思    抽成了驼绒     在想你的时候     织成了围巾 ]

[ 谁知道    只是    温暖了自己 ]

do you kno that i love you?