Love is a man's orldly possessions, but a oman's hole life.
The real perfection of man is not hat he has, but hat he is.
The struggle for happiness, no matter ho hard it is, is not pain, but happiness, not tragedy, but drama.
If you are unhappy, go out for a alk. The orld is so big. Beautiful scenery, many opportunities, short life, do not curl up in a shado.
Idlers regard love as a matter of fact, and busy people regard love as a pastime.
Love is a man's orldly possessions, but a oman's hole.
Love is the history of a oman's life, but only an episode in a man's life.
Tomorro's fate, even if you're smart, you can't predict, you can't guess; therefore, don't aste today, because it ill never e back.
Mobile phones are hining, as if you and my hearts are singing, sincere blessings, deep feelings, connected hearts, not distance can be cut off, miss you!
Happiness is not inherently bad, but some happy producers bring much more trouble than happiness.
Love, like the de on the floer, ill only linger in the pure soul.
Love dragged me to this side, and reason pulled me to the other side.
Life is precious, love is more expensive, and for freedom, all to can be thron aay.
I firmly believe that hen one thinks of another person, it should be quiet thoughts. Love, this poer, can arrive at the hite haired shore in an instant.
The meaning of love is to help others improve and improve themselves.
When poverty es in from the door, love runs aay from the indo.
If anyone seeks, no oman in the orld is floating. Because of this, omen ill be so fascinated.
Floers are seet expressions of love at any time. If you don't have any preparation for the festival, you must also send floers. A red rose can also moisten our love! uuuuuuuuuu
Women ho are destroyed by vanity are more than those ho are destroyed by love.
There are three realms in life: to see mountains, to see ater; to see mountains, not mountains, not ater; to see mountains or mountains, to see ater or ater.
In all human emotions, there is only one reason that does not need any reason. This is love.
The person ho makes you afraid to leave is not your lover. Even if you pay more, the person ho ants to leave ill leave after all.
When you ere aay from me, I as very afraid. I thought I ould not care, but the tears could not deceive myself! uuuuuuuuuuuu
It is not because some things are difficult to achieve that e lose self-confidence; it is because e lose self-confidence that some things seem difficult to achieve.
Love can not only buy, but money ill stifle love.
The mood is very depressed, and the pain in the heart is far beyond the injury on the body. No tears, even if you bite your lips! All hope to endure.
Don't expect love in return, just ait for it to gro sloly in their hearts, but if not, be content to gro in your on hearts.
Once love is satisfied, the charm of others is gone.
Jeelry, love speaker, man knos it can touch omen's heart.
Smile is in the cliff climbing, temporarily find a foothold, a tight heart, and then, look for, in contact ith the next foothold.
Man is the only animal that blushes, or the only animal that blushes.
Money is the foundation of love and the foundation of ar.
Ask your heart before you do anything. Don't force yourself to love someone. Don't force yourself not to love someone.
I never like to let others see my tears. I ould rather let others feel that I am happy and heartless than make myself look ronged and pitiful.
Dream hat you ant to dream, go here you ant to go, be hat you ant to be, because you only have one life and one chance to acplish all the things you ant to do.
The first is the noblest thought, and the second is money; a society ith money and ithout the noblest thought ill collapse.
In dealing ith omen, it is alays the end: love should be given to her; for all omen, special love should be given.
If you ant to be loved by others, you must first make yourself orthy of love, not one day, one eek, but forever.
Love is a capricious fello. He yearns for everything, but he is almost dissatisfied ith everything.
If you find that you can't let go of each other, don't force yourself to fet, because it ill only make you more painful and let everything go as it is.
There are many ays to destroy love, but the torrential rain that has been uprooted is borroed money.
Don't deliberately understand each other's past, because everyone has privacy, you love him no, not him in the past.
Hide love in my heart, because I have no bottom. This life does not hold hands. Afterlife I also ant!
The lads, especially the gentlemen, like the temptation of omen, not the omen ho make them angry.
I am a tree standing on the roadside, atching loneliness for thousands of years. Just for one day, you ill alk past me, and have a look at my face full of vicissitudes.
The happiest people don't have the best of everything, but they enjoy hat they have.
Hit you to ant you to pay more attention to me, scold you that I love you too much, don't say I'm orthless, because I can't fet you!
An egg can be painted many times, can a love do it?
It is more difficult to think over everything than to be rong. Willfully planted floers, illo illos. This is the reason for suess.
Love is harder to hide than murder, and the night of love is sunny at noon.
Being unable to escape is one of the sources of distress in life, especially in love.
Willing to be a tree, standing on your ay. I ould like to be a cloud to protect you from the scorching sun. I ould like to be an umbrella and go through stormy eather. This is love!
Love is the tyrant of the heart; it makes reason unclear and judges unclear; it does not listen to advice, and runs straight in the direction of madness.
No matter ho far apart, the heart that cares about you ill never change. When you have time, remember to keep in touch. I ill alays be your good friend.
Love should be salloed by the pledge of love. Only a single-minded and unserving love is true love.
Habit is everything, even in love.
If hat pains bring in is to kno and stick to the truth, e should aept them consciously and illingly, and only then ill pain turn into happiness.
Water ill run aay and fire ill go out, but love can pete ith fate.
You kno, life is neither good nor bad.
Clearly loves very much, but has no courage to let you kno, prefers to love silently, until, until you thro into other people's embrace! uuuuuuuuuu
It's a myth to get happiness ithout paying any price.
Why does the pulse depend on to? The moon is not long, but the floer is easy to fall.
The emotional line of love, you and I are only a line apart, e think e can give each other more love, but ultimately found that you do not ant anything.
Beauty inspires people's feelings, and love purifies the soul.
Love is the business of idle people and the leisure of busy people.
Love is like ealth. It depends on the heel of fortune. It is alays on the ups and dons.